Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The heat and a moment

Yes, It has been a bit since I posted. But do to the fact that life has been busy a bit. The heat has been pretty bad up here in the foothills which makes me check and provide water a few times a day to many animals.
Also hosing down Belladonna, who enjoys water time in the heat.
Our time has been filled with nothing, we just been hanging out and enjoying our time. Yesterday I changed pasture areas for the 3 wild ones. I didn't want to fool around with the halter so I garbed my lead rope and just snapped it around her neck. And prayed that she behave, since we have NEVER walked this way. well I was proud she took to it like we done this way a million times. was actually a lot better this way then a halter, hmmm.
I am still reading, it taken me forever BUT I like it. I am usually a book page burner I speed through. But with the books Brandy loan me, I am making it a fact to really take time and read them. To absorb the book into my head, I am enjoying every moment of it.
ON Sunday July 26th 2009 I will be hosting a hoof trimming clinic for people. so much to prep for and do, but I will try to post again soon. (Note to self every other day would be okay)
Goats will be arriving here on Sunday afternoon, 2 big boys that a person was giving away free. So let's see how the critter crew takes to the spotted monsters. Any one want to make a bet that the burro boys will try and kill them? Or the mare may snort and run from them?
Never a dull moment here, something is always happening.

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